About us

Welcome !

It’s a great joy to reach out to you, to share my life and the joys and blessings of knowing Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior.
Some of you are already aware of the multiple hats that I wear, in my role as pastor-pastor, author, teacher-trainer consultant and Keynote Speaker, but one thing is common to all these areas, is my deep desire to teach and lead people to maximize their full potential, by unleashing the power that God has so uniquely endowed in them.

 I trust you’ll be blessed by visiting my site and find the resources and activities helpful to your spiritual growth and enhancement.

Who Are We?

We are a ministry called to share the gospel and reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and we are based on the foundation of faith, integrity and the faithful and dedicated supporters who share this call.

Olga Fyne International Ministries ( OMFIM) was founded on the belief ,that God has endowed us all with gifts and talents which, if not utilized, will be useless. I believe we must find ways to unleash our God-given power by faith  and become all that God has ordained us to be. I believe that everything that came to fruition in our lives, is as a  result of obeying God and allowing Him to unleash the power within  us, as we walk with Him daily and serve Him wholeheartedly .This Ministry will teach us how to do that.

     We  hope and pray that God will provide needed resources through which we can provide food for the poor, medical care, and supplies, build homes for orphans and schools in impoverished countries, through the vision “Restoring Hope”, the  mission arm of Olga M. Fyne International Ministries (OMFIM)

       Olga and Wenton Fyne ,who have been in Ministry for 44 years, founded Olga M. Fyne International Ministries (OMFIM) formerly,” Unleashing the Power Ministries” in 2015, a Christian, non-profit organization, that is financially supported by the contributions of its friends and partners.


Our approach

Our Mission
to share the gospel and reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ

We are based on the foundation of faith, integrity and the  faithful and dedicated supporters who share this call. We have  ministered to people globally  through Olga’s teaching, which has also  provided opportunities to minister to the needs of the suffering and hurting in practical ways .

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide food for the poor, medical care, and supplies, build homes for orphans and schools in impoverished countries, through the vision “Restoring Hope”

We  hope and pray that God will provide needed resources through which we can provide food for the poor, medical care, and supplies, build homes for orphans and schools in impoverished countries, through the vision “Restoring Hope”, the  mission arm of Olga M. Fyne International Ministries (OMFIM)

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